Author Archives: admin
Can a Scientist be a Christian?
poster_can_scientists_be_christians.1.2 is a PDF file containing a one-page poster answering the question “Can a Scientist be a Christian” by looking at examples of those who were, both modern and historical. Those wondering how these views can be harmonized can find … Continue reading
Can Christianity and Science both be True?
poster_science_and_christianity.1.4 is a PDF file containing a one-page poster on the topic of “Can Christianity and Science both be True?” It shows the current state of affairs, comparing scientific theories against Christianity and Atheistic Naturalism.
T-shirt design, final version
Version 7 (final version) of the T-shirt is linked below, in full-resolution PNG format for printing: You download the design and print it at your favorite site. The Jpeg version of the image, for easy viewing, is here.
What is the Evidence for the Historical Accuracy of Luke?
poster_luke_as_history.1.1 is a PDF file containing a one-page poster that addresses the question “What is the Evidence for the Bible’s Historical Accuracy?”, focusing on the Gospel of Luke and the book of Acts.
What is the Evidence for Jesus’ Deity?
poster_jesus_deity.1.1 is a PDF file containing a one-page poster addressing the question “What is the Evidence for Jesus’ Deity?” It relies on testimony from the Bible, so should be read after the Evidence for the Historical Accuracy of Luke poster.
What is the Evidence for the Age of the Earth?
poster_earth_age.1.5 is a PDF file containing a one-page poster on the question “What is the evidence for the age of the Earth?”
Recommended Reading
book_list.v3.0 is a short list of books that may be helpful to those who seek to understand how both science and Christianity can be true. Some include discussion of how to square recent scientific findings with descriptions revealed in the … Continue reading